School started back today, friends, after two weeks of frozen, snowy, slothy fun. Based on how I received them at pickup, I imagine they will sleep well tonight. I know I will. Currently I am sitting at an elementary school while G has her practice for honors choir. The Daisy Scout meeting next to me is quite lively. They had a police officer as part of their meeting today, so we know they won't get too out of hand. I am fighting hard the urge to lay down in the hallway here and take a nap. That, I imagine, is frowned upon...especially in a public school building. They probably frown upon people squatting in the hallway. I have my earphones on and am blasting the wild sounds of Bob Newhart so I won't hear the choir practice. I want it to be a surprise when we see their performance. Tha Daisies are now coming out of their meeting. Apparently it was police and pajamas night with the Daisies. They are hyped up with the leavings of Girl Scout cookies on their mouths. One dad looked like he might make a run for it as his child ran out of the meeting, jumped on the wall and bounced off like a pinball. That should be a great ride home.
The kids are coming out for their bathroom break. I'm going to sneak a hug and then get back to Bob. Have a good evening.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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