Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Little voices

Today in a meeting, we were charged with three questions and how, as Easter approaches, are we going to answer them. The one that really got to me was basically how are people going to perceive our organization or area of specialty based on how we present ourselves. How are people going to see Jesus in the way I act at work? Well okay. That is a great question. And on days like this, which was pretty crappy, I struggle. I was certainly not projecting a Christ-like face as I walked around with steam coming off the top of my head. The people who come into contact with me deserve to get my best self, whether I feel like doing it or not.

So here I was, walking with two of my three children(who were both angry bout one thing or another) and needing to let them blow off some steam. I took them into the playground, with a big frown on my face...probably talking to myself, and I heard two little voices yell, "Mrs. Jenny!!! Hey!!! Hey, Mrs. Jenny!!!". I looked up and saw two of my sweet little girls from church high up on the play structure waving enthusiastically down at me with big smiles on their faces. I wanted to run up there and hug them and crawl under the play structure all at the same time. Jenny Stormcloud walking onto the church playground, frowning and muttering like a psycho in front of two sweet little faces. While they did perk me up and make me smile, I learned a very valuable lesson. There's something to be said for faking it 'til you make it. While everyone is allowed a bad day here and there, we can't let that bleed over to those innocent ones around us. I am thankful for those two sweet little faces who taught me a valuable lesson. You never know who is watching and who might see you at your worst. But they also gave me a gift today...they showed me that I am doing something right. And I'll give them some good hugs the next time I see them. Night all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. google
    Easter Bunny from Helicopter, Geneva, Illinois.......yikes! (adrienne)
