Soccer Saturdays have started up again, gentle readers. And wouldn't you know the first of these crazed Saturdays fell on the same day as my nephew's wedding. So last night the hub and I mapped out such a detailed Saturday strategy that you would think we were making plans for some major undercover operation. We would go to game one at 9, I would then take one child to a game across town, dropping G off at home to get her hair washed and ready, while the hub would watch the boy's game and then we would all meet at home for the frenzied showers to be cleaned, dried, dressed and at the church by one. It was going to take a miracle. Then last night, a reprieve. S's team's field got double booked and through a complicated and stupid series of rescheduling attempts, the game got cancelled. Whew. So two games, new strategy....we got this. We were walking out the door to leave and the boy casually mentioned a sore ear. He went on his merry way to the car and chatted happily all the 2 minutes to the fields. Chatted and ran with friends a bit. Then I became involved in watching the game. I suddenly realized I had not checked on him in about 10 minutes and turned to find him covered up and conked out in our other soccer chair. The other mothers looked over and shook their heads. "That's not good," they said. They were right. After G's game was over(they won), we went to the van to have a little talk. The boy could barely hold his head up, but insisted on playing. We pulled the parent card and nixed that. The cries that came from that child tore your heart out, but it had to be done. We went home and I carried him in, stripping his underarmor off in hope that it would cool him down. It almost opened him up to get hotter. I stripped him down, put his short pj's on and put him to bed. B checked about doc appointments and then we redressed him and they were on their way. The girls and I got ready for the wedding and left to get them there for pictures. The boys were waiting at the clinic for two hours. Diagnosis? An "icky" left ear and antibiotics. "Icky" is a technical term. No ring bearer duties for him. The girls did a fantastic job and looked beautiful:

The wedding was sweet and the happy couple is honeymooning in a cabin in the mountians somewhere.

Mazel tov to the happy couple...yummy food from Romanian chefs...beautiful flower girls...pitiful little boy...tired parents...busy, happy weekend. Night all.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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