Day three of Fever Girl and Crazed Mom stuck at home. Last night, the hub was trying to do some division with G to catch her up on her schoolwork. This, while a good idea in theory, did not turn out well. She was not feeling well and was exhausted. He, stressed and overworked, was exhausted as well. I finally called them both done and sent her to bed with full confidence that she would be learning all she needed in class the next day. Oh woe be unto those who are overly confident. I got her up this morning having the same complaint of a headache. The hand on the head fever detctor was not feeling accurate, so I got the thermometer. 100.3. Dadgumit. While our pediatrician's office treats that as though it is almost normal, our school crosses its arms, shakes its head and says, "Uh uh. Go home." So we didn't even try. We, instead, came home from dropping the others off and set to work on the small mountain of papers she had missed doing the past two days. After doing grammar and reading comprehension, my forte', it was time for math. This is is what separates the public school moms from the home school moms. God bless those who can and I would if I had to, but me teaching math would drive my kids back to public schol every time. But I decided to press on and get through these six pages of division. Holy moly. The next thing I knew, we had the legos out trying to make a point:

Did we need them out? From the incredulous look on her face, probably not, but I couldn't stop. By the time those pages were done, I was sweaty and she was probably questioning the future of our relationship. I think I'll stick to baking and my job. Math teacher I am not. Let's just pray she wakes up 98.6 tomorrow. Normal temps save lives.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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