Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter praises and flu phases

It has been a less than ideal Easter, but what is an ideal Easter? I'm sure any third day, regardless of the weather, was fine with Jesus to get up out of the tomb and see His people. So who am I to complain about a gloomy, rainy Easter? Well, friends, I am going to have a tiny pity party and then wrap it up with some sort of revelation I hope will come to me during the writing process. G started coughing Thursday night. S started coughing Friday night. The hub started coughing some Friday, but reached a noticeable yuck state by Saturday morning. G was told by the Take Care clinic that she had a cold. I wasn't convinced. The hub wouldn't go to the doc on Saturday, against my begging, so he woke up extra crappy this morning. I woke up the kids for the traditional Easter pics, heard G's cough and her daddy's cough and realized they would not be coming to church today. So mean mother that I am, I asked the kids to get into their Easter finery and had the hub take pictures while I left for work. He dropped S and the boy off and he and G went home to bed. After a very frustrating work day, which I won't bore you with, I came home to hungry, whiney people. The hub got an appointment to be seen by the doctor. After our meal, he left and we rested, or attempted to rest. Then the hub sent a text that he had tested positive for the flu. Excellent. The rest of the afternoon just followed the suit of that diagnosis.

Wah, wah, wah. Woe is me. Life can always be so much worse than it is. To throw out any "why me's" is to really thumb my nose at the one who sacrificed the most for me. And if you want to remove religion out of the whole conversation for a minute, there are so many others suffering in silence or suffering much more unsettling circumstances that three sick kids and a husband with the flu. Shame on me for thinking I am so important. Rain or shine, sick or well, what a beautiful morning indeed to wake up and know life changed on the third day. What a beautiful morning....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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