Monday, March 18, 2013

Fevers make math worse

Well, friends, cover your face or don't breathe while you are reading today's post. After ear infection boy started on his antibiotics, G started a headache. A super bad headache. Mother of the year though it was drama and then I woke her up this morning for school. She sat up and immediately started to cry with the pain in her head. Maybe she's just avoiding Monday, I thought. Then I took her temperature. 101.7. Well, oops. Go ahead and hand me my medal for MOTY right now. So I packed the two youngers in the car in their pj's and took S to school. As we arrived back home, we opened the garage door to see a mouse run from the top of one side of the back garage door to the other and then down the wall. G, sick as she was, saw it and immediately wondered if she was hallucinating. Oh no, honey, you so weren't seeing things. We ran like idiots the two feet from the car into the house. I texted the hub and begged him to call our friend Kevin at the pest control place. By now, we all know that mice and I are not friends. I can't recall if I have shared the Christmas Eve mouse story, but I will someday. I will. Scarring childhood memories.

We motrined the girl up.  She did her best to try and do her schoolwork from today, but when your head feels like it is in a vise grip you forget the difference between division and multiplication.  We didn't push it.  I have made and decorated a cookie cake for the boy's birthday tomorrow. We have wrapped his presents...he is having a David Macaulay heavy birthday this year. What can I say, the boy loves good drawing. The breakfast in bed tray has been readied and the cinnamon rolls have been baked. All we can hope for is that the birthday boy's sister will wake up fever free tomorrow. And that the mouse will have met its great reward at the bait station in our garage. Birthday excitement all around!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Extra-padded underpants and many Joyous Returns to the B-day Boy!
