With the week of ill children last week and Spring Break this week, my during the week presence at work has been a bit light. Luckily, a phone and a computer connected me to the outside world and allowed me to get my hours in and get things done. But today I had to get in that office and get some things done. The only problem was that I had three young people with me who make things a bit difficult when it comes to concentrating on, well, anything. Luckily, the boss lady was there and had many tasks to keep them busy for a long time. You'd think that would be all I needed for some peace and quiet, but I was so very wrong. Even when kept busy with lots of fun stuff, fights still manage to break out. "She won't let me do anything." "SHE keeps hitting me and stomping on my feet." "He keeps talking in that weird language he made up." After the fourth interruption from a girl, I gave up and accompanied said child on her journey as she did chores for my boss. Most of them she could do by herself, but one was in a far enough part of the church that I felt the need to supervise. In a church of our size, well a church of any size, growth is a great thing. Who doesn't want to have a growing church? But with growth there are pains and our church has had to deal with a few minor blips along the way. Some of the Sunday school classes have experienced a fruit basket turnover of sorts, sending classes from one side of the building to another. While all the classes were given a generous amount of consideration as to how the move would effect their members, change is hard and the older we get the harder it is to adapt to change. One of the older classes moved from one end of the building to another. Even though there was a great amount of grieving involved in the move, the class did it and are realizing that the closer parking and newer classroom may not be as bad as all that. Our children's worship closet is in that room and G had been charged with taking items down to be place in that closet...located in the newly occupied classroom. She placed the items in the closet and then decided to read the class announcements on the whiteboard to see what they were planning. I was checking an email on my phone and heard her say, "What on Earth do they do in this class?". When I looked up at her, she was pointing to a list on the board. Decipher it if you dare:

Can anyone tell me what the last line means? Do I really want to know? I now know the reason they were reluctant to move from their previous location. The old room could hide their strange plans. I don admit that I told one of the pastors I just wanted to hide behind a tree a watch the show that would be attached to that list. Anybody want to join me? Yeah, I didn't think so. I'll add it to the list of weird things I found at work....
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Please have camera behind tree with you!
ReplyDeletegator hunting?