Friday, March 22, 2013

Scary night

So, I was at dinner learning some interesting information from a friend when the hub calls to say S is having trouble breathing.  Thinking she was having asthma attack, which she has never had, he contemplated taking her to the ER.  She started calming down a bit, so he chose to wait.  My phone was acting up and I was in a loud place, so I did not hear the two calls he placed.  When I looked, he had called twice and texted three times.  They were headed to the ER and so we headed there as well. When I arrived, the hub was carrying her to a triage room and she was crying and coughing and looking rough.  The doc came in, along with three other people, and started looking down her throat.  They immediately gave her meds to open her throat back up and a breathing treatment to help her respiration.  The doc said that he thinks she is having an anaphylactic reaction based on throat, respiration, swollen lips and puffy eyes.  "Looks like she'll be carrying an epi pen around from now on."   She has calmed down some and said some pretty amusing things under the influence.  The hub and I are terrified about what will happen again or what has caused this.  Please pray for her and that the doctors and allergist(when we go) can find out what is wrong.  So very scared.


  1. Praying! I love her and will pray for healing.

  2. I'm so sorry ya'll went through such a scary thing.
    Praying. Asking God to hold you close and knowing He has it all under His control.
