Friday, December 14, 2012


The events of today are more than any one heart can take. My son, my precious baby boy, is a kindergartener. My daughters are elementary school and middle school. After following the Connecticut tragedy all day, I couldn't get to them fast enough at pick up time. The absolute devastation and heartbreak that these parents and families are experiencing is more than I can wrap my head around. I'd prefer not to get into the whole gun control debate. AllI know is that mental health assistance has to be cheaper and guns must be regulated more than they are...and I own one myself. But I also feel the great weight of responsibility as an owner. And, simply asking visitors to report to the office when they enter the school building is it enough. Anyone who is sick enough to commit a heinous act will not let a sign stop them. All I can do now is listen to my children, share with them Mr. Rogers's tips for dealing with tragedies....the first one being to make sure and point out all the helpers wen watch the news. When seeing such sadness, it is important that they know people are there to help...good people.

Right now, we are snuggled up and watching Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Precious time, even if Santa comes off looking like a real jackhole in this whole production. My babies are safe and I am heartbroken for the other mommies who will not engage in such a luxury with their loved ones again. God bless them all...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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