Sunday, December 9, 2012

I am not ready for this

I was informed in the last few days that my son has a girlfriend. Well, the "girlfriend" term was used by my daughter. My heart started to race, my head started to hurt. This is not supposed to happen already. My baby is not supposed to like girls yet. So you can imagine that I, as any mother would do, immediately asked him about HER. He told me that she is not his girlfriend, but was very happy to say that he liked her. When I was in the big K, I do not recall having a boyfriend. I was trying to choke down stale graham crackers with warm milk and staying in the lines. He informed me that they do normal stuff together like pushing the tire swing together and hanging out on the playground. Whew! If that's all it is, I am fine. I want my son to be a gentleman and a godly man to the girl he dates, but not for about 20 more years...and that's when he will go on supervised dates. Just a warning, ladies.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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