Go ahead and say it..."We didn't think that was possible." Har har hardy har har. I am a geek, I'll claim it. Growing up I was a Star Trek watching, NPR listening, Apple II+ playing, Weird Al listening bonafide geek. I watched my brother play D&D. I bought little lead dwarf and elf figures at Ben's Toy Store in Johnson City, TN. And now, I am on the cusp of purchasing something to propel me into the realms of geekdom with one of my heroes, Weird Al. Yes, my friends, I am about to buy an accordion. Having the desire to own one for several years has kept me on the lookout for some time. Seeing as how this area is not a hot bed for accordion activity, it has been a fruitless search so far. If we were to travel up to Wisconsin and visit our family, my brother in law assured me that there are accordions to be found on every corner...across the street from a bar. They have the right idea becasue what goes better with beer than polkas? And what do you need to make any polka legit? Yessireebob, an accordion. I have been hesitant to buy one online sight unseen. As with most musical instruments, I want to hold it and check it out and see how it sounds. So you can imagine my excitement when my brother texted me to say there was an accordion spotting downtown. I grabbed S, who needed some TLC after a rather hurtful experience during Sunday School this morning, picked up my brother and sister in law and headed downtown to take a look at this beauty. The only problem was I didn't really know what I was looking for in terms of good or bad. The words "vintage" and "mother of pearl" were thrown around, which sounded promising, but looks aren't the hallmark of a good musical instument. It was very flashy:

What makes me extra geeky is the thought that kept going through my mind: "Would Weird Al approve of this purchase? Would he play this?". The man is coming to our fair city in April and I am hoping upon hope to get some tickets, but like he cares what I buy. I couldn't bring myself to spend the money today so I left no poorer, but a bit disappointed. After consulting with my musical genius friend, Prince Andrew(long story), he said that it looked like an excellent deal to him. I will travel back downtown tomorrow to see if this 1950's beauty is still there. If it is, it was meant to be. If not, we all know the answer. Either way, the peppy sounds of a polka(or my favorite Yankovic tune)will be coming out of our house one way or another. You'll know where to come party.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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