My children are not selfish kids. They never walked through the "'R Us" asking and screaming for every toy they saw. I am grateful for that. They are not machines, they ask for stuff...sometimes unreasonable requests. But a person's got to test the 'rents and see what they're made of in terms of negotiating. Sorry, kid, you aren't getting your own iPad. Mommy saved up for a year to buy this now older model one. Save up. Shopping spree at American Girl your friend had? Great. That's just great. Our oldest has now entered the realm of middle school. For 99% of it, it has been a wonderful experience. She has a great group of friends with good heads on their shoulders. Blessed. Some of her friends come from families of a little more privilege. Some have no siblings. Some have parents who are not unreasonable tightwads. Our poor children do and I will never apologize. It gets harder to not cave, simply because you don't want your child to be the only one without this or that. Middle school, unfortunately is about finding your individuality and fitting in all at the same time. So when my mom calls to tell me that S wanted a new pair of boots like all her friends have, I told her I would consider it. I agreed to price them out because, as my mom said, "As much as I hate it, unfortunately it's about the label...just check them out." Sooo the hub and I took a jaunt to the GB Shoe Wharehouse thinking that they discount name brands. This will be excellent. Oh you poor, sweet, naive little parents you. As I looked for a paper bag to breathe in, the hub just shook his head and said, "Uh, no."

I am a shoe girl, I will not lie. The most I have ever paid for a pair of my own shoes is $85....and that was twenty years ago and I STILL have them and wear them. But apparently Australian sheepskin boots have gold hidden in the fuzzy interior. I have offered to buy the $30 ones at Target when they go on sale and create a little label to put on the back. Maybe "Ug" or "Fugg" for Fake UGG. Either that or she can take $$ from her iPad mini fund and buy herself a pair of Aussie boots that will be too small next year.
Whatever her choice, It will be her money and not ours. I hope she makes the right choice. I know she will. I'll just kick up my twenty year old Birkenstocks and watch her squirm. Go ahead and judge me... :0)
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