For the past several days, we have been working to try and get the girls' room transformed from cutesie nursery turned little girl room into an organized tween/middle schooler cool sleeping pod. Their room is quite compact, so the options were limited. First up, wallpaper removal. I have several wallpaper removal jobs under my belt, so I was up to the challenge. Actually, the kids peeled it off with almost no effort. Oh how wallpaper is a deceptive demon that fools the innocent. After feeling the wall, the hub determined that the adhesive was still hanging on for dear life and needed to be removed. Here I come, armed with our steamer ready to do battle. I started steaming and the adhesive turned from fuzzy dry wall covering to voodoo glue from Hades. A one foot wide, seven foot tall strip took 1.5 hours to somewhat clean. The next days involved scorching Downy water in a spray bottle, a scrub brush, a huge razor blade and the envisioning of future PT and chiropractic visits for "wallpaper shoulder". After the walls were cleaned, primed and repainted, the task became to "tween" the room up a bit. Where do you go to find decor on a limited budget? The Habitat Resale Store of course. We found a great Captain America pencil drawing, but I was too cheap to pay $20 and it didn't have pink, purple or green in it, so.... I found a whole section of Tom Jones LP's, but this trip was about the children, so.... The pictures were too big or tacky or kitchen decor or masculine. We gave up on decorating and thought we would have a "new" book for each of them on their bed. But what to my wandering eyes did appear, but:

Aaaccckk!! Dark Shadows is good campy fun, but this face is disturbing. But for those of you who who are fans of Barnabas Collins, go to the Resale and look for this:

A whole Kroger shopping cart full of vampire soap enjoyment. Not exactly kid bedroom friendly, but oh well. I did get a treasure, although not from Habitat but from my aunt. Hand me down sheets for the boy. Retro goodness at its best:

Sleep long and prosper everybody.
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Did you check to see if they were worth much on ebay? He might be sleeping on a gold mine!