Sunday, December 16, 2012

Joy is necessary, even when we don't feel joyful

I am sitting outside of the Youth Christmas party at our church. They are currently playing the church youth group version of "Dirty Santa". I made a sock creature for S's gift and saw that her best friend Emma got it. At least I know that for a little bit it will have a happy life...until a boy gets it and rips its head off. She at least fared better than her poor friend walking around with a shadeless cowboy boot lamp. Oh well, one man's trash.... As I sit and think and fret and grumble about all the things I need to be doing, wrapping/baking/cleaning/shopping/mothering/"wife-ing", I hear the laughing and squealing coming from that room. When we went to the drive through for dinner on Friday and then drove around looking at Christmas lights, the oohs and ahhs were infectious. The innocence was still there. The urgency of the materialistic part of the season coupled with the burdensome content of the news in our world have made me, no, I have allowed them to take away my joy. That makes me mad. Enough said.

As I type, my fingers are worn out from cutting out the pieces parts for 23 little holiday suitcases for "Christmas Around the World". I cannot wait for Friday to come. Not because all the activities are so overwhelming, but because I can truly enjoy the importance of this season. People ask what I am looking forward to most during the holidays. Besides the obvious reason for the season and the awe and weight that comes with it, I am looking forward to snuggling with my family and watching the traditional Twilight Zone marathon that comes on during the holiday. Pajamas and maybe Scrabble thrown in there. Heaven. Bliss. Ahhhh.

Hopefully strange, funny stories and pictures will return soon. I need some lighter material or my three readers are going to go blog shopping. We can't have that...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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