The project in question was the creating of an island. On said island, one must create a certain number of landforms and resources. The island must be 3D, with a name and a climate and named landforms to go with the theme of the island's name. Lattitude and longitude and keys and scales had to be included. A written explanation of said island and it's people and their occupations had to be included. The project was to be completed in 10 days. If it was completed in 3-4 days, the student would receive 10 extra points....and the parents would have a major nervous breakdown. School, church, sports and life in general made that an impossible task for S. it was worked on a little bit everyday, but not in earnest. Today was d-day. It would be done so we could enjoy Labor Day weekend at least a little. We learned a few very valuable lessons along the way. One, don't drag it out. Two, felt is fun. Three, spray insulation foam in "funner". And four, allowing your child to attend a sleepover before SS project d-day is not too bright. When I offered to type while she dictated her island report to me, I noticed a slurring of speech as she slumped over in exhaustion. This was not received well. When my fingers became the target for glue gun misfires, I didn't react in a kind manner. But in the end, blasted thing was completed and the report was printed out. The kids are snoring in their beds and we have our feet up in full project recovery mode. Lesson learned and project completed.

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Beautiful Island! Did you 2 know the Canary Islands are actually named for dogs, not birds? You can check it out on Wikipedia.