I want to go to the movies right now. "Raiders of the Lost Ark" is on and I want to see it immediately. In 1981, my brother went to see it with his friends. I had a sleepover in his room and he gave me the play by play for the whole movie....including the exploding and melting heads. The sleepover lasted about an hour and then I ended up in my parents' bed. Detailed stories of spikes through men and untimely deaths with airplane propellers were almost too much for my 9year old mind to process. I got over that when I went to see it a week later with the whole family. This is the image that will forever be burned into my brain:

I was forever transfixed by Dr. Henry(Indiana)Jones and his adventures fighting the Nazis and big men with sabers and evil Frenchmen who threw ladies into snakey holes. My brother and I had the trading cards and the soundtrack and the movie dialogue record and the hat. We wanted the whip, but you all know how that turned out. Anyhoo, we were super fans and remain so today...even if his experiences with the aliens just took things too far. Way too far.
I wil see it again on the big screen in all its glory. I must. Dah dah da DAH, dah dah DAH....
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I want to go! I went as Indianet Jones for Halloween one year - and I did have the whip.