Wednesday, September 12, 2012 sad...

In the days leading up to my brother's wedding, you can feel the tension grow in our house. Not because we are unhappy about the wedding. Quite the contrary, we approach it with great excitement. But, as with any monumental and life changing occasion, there comes lots of planning and pressure and details and opinions and stress. Even though the kids have nothing to do with the planning other than showing up for their duties, their moods feed off the pressure cooker that contains their parents. So we can all understand that when the girls' closet looked like this this morning:

I lost my chiz, called the hub and told him to get some new trash bags on his way home. I told the girls they would eat breakfast and then clean up their quarters. If it wasn't done to my specs, they would take a tardy. This struck a nerve with caused one to yell at the other and then a punch to be thrown and then crying. "Good morning...good MOR-ning!!!". Excellent. So as I fixed my coffee and watched George Stephanopolous tell me about the sadness in the world we live in while I tied the boy's shoes, my kids were upstairs cleaning and punching. I threw up part two of my evil plan: "YO! Put your iPods in our room. Now.". More gnashing of teeth and venom being doled out for free. They stomped downstairs, grabbed up backpacks and took what appeared to be a death march to the car. The Song of the Volga Boatmen came to mind..."Yo ho HEAVE ho...". I had to hide my snickering. So after drop offs and AR with the boy's class(long story), I came home to finish cleaning. This is what I found on our bed:

The iPod pose of shame. Maybe someday they will redeem themselves and get their poor technology back. Until then, so sad for them. I think it is high time to spend up all their Ham on the Run veggie points. They've never done that to me. Cough cough. Oh well. Have a good one!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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