Friday, August 31, 2012

The "H" Word

Growing up, there were certain words that were not to be used without consequence in our house. The obvious bad words...I don't need to repeat them. Taking the Lord's name was the most severely punished. But another word that we did not say, at least about people, was the "H" word. Hate. We could hate a circumstance, a weather pattern, a particular casserole. But we could never say we hated anyone. The hub and I have carried that rule over to our children, explaining in great detail to them the whole "Hate the act not the person" premise. It is very hard to know how to differentiate dislike and hate when the feelings are so intense. But oh what a difference there is. So imagine my heartbreak and disappointment when one of my children's friends made a comment saying that one of my children hates one of their siblings. When I asked if the word hate was used, the answer was a very enthusiastic "Yes". People may think I am overreacting, but I was furious and devastated. My brother and I are the best of friends and have seen some dark days together, but I have never said that word of him. Your sibling should be your biggest cheerleader, your first and most enthusiastic best friend. To use such a powerful word in such a offhanded way is unacceptable to me. A night's sleep will hopefully provide me some perspective and some wisdom on how to proceed. Say I'm overreacting if you'd like. But I refuse to allow that to pass without comment. They may not like each other, but the "H" word will not be accepted in our house. So there.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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