Sunday, September 23, 2012


I am not a pleasant person to be around this evening. Sundays have a way of always turning in to steaming heaps of crap in this house. The "forgotten" assignments for Monday, the reading logs not yet completed, the anxieties of being a student in an overtested, overstressed environment....all of it catches up on the day of rest. Add onto that allergies completely out of control for the oldest and back pain beyond a "10" for the husband and a mom who caught hell from several people about an issue at work, well let's just say we were not showing up to the church picnic this afternoon. We would be the ones getting thrown out, I'm afraid, even if just on bad attitude alone. So we instead had pizza, refereed a fight, reproduced a canine consumed reading log and fought them into bed. I'm now sitting, head spinning, contemplating the state of my mental health. Readying myself for my weekly bowl of ice cream and then heading to bed. Pray tomorrow is a better day.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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