That tiny doorway is all that separates us, once again, from the plague. And by the looks of the sick waiting room, it looks like medieval times have returned to our fair city. Masks and kidney shaped trays and green faces abound. Of course, our little corner of the world is stuffed like an oversized tuna can. Because the injury of the moment is causing nausea, she is holding her own fashionable pink kidney dish. We are getting the stink eye from all the injured kids' moms, because they think we have breached the force field of waiting room etiquette. Motion sickness is not contagious, people. With this many visits to the ER in the past few months, I fear we are being placed secretly(or not so secretly)on a watch list with DCS.
The girl is now in a room watching Cars 2 on a continuous loop. She was thrilled to receive a soft hospital gown...what a weirdo.

The doc came in just a second ago. I cannot say we are super fans at this juncture. She asked S to show her what hurt the worst and then immediately started texting. Thankfully she left us in the capable hands of a lovely nurse handing out Zofran that tastes like Sour Patch Kids. Whatever gets it down the hatch, friends.
Sweet Mr. Daniel came in to take S to get a CT scan. He provided another first to put in the baby book...her first ride in a wheelchair. They discussed the possibilities that maybe goal is not really the safest place for her and that she needs to put her hands up when the ball gets near her face. Maybe the young, friendly orderly's advice will stick with her. They got along swimmingly.

We are now in a holding pattern, watching Toy Story 3 and waiting for the results of the CT. If they don't hurry, I will be going into the fetal position during the incinerator scene of this movie. Buzz and Woody holding hands...Andy passing the gauntlet of toys to Bonnie...I'll be even more of a wreck than I already am with an injured child. "You've got a friend in me...."....sniff sniff.
She seems okay except for the red cheek and puffy eye. The Zofran has kicked in and her tummy is growling in protest of her tiny pre-practice dinner. Hopefully we'll be out of here soon. Bonnie is playing with the toys...I've got to get my hands on the remote.
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Bless her heart. I hope that everything turns out okay.