Thursday, June 21, 2012

VBS is can I relax?

We had Vacation Bible School at church this week. As in years past, I was the crazy snack lady again. it ended today and while I love doing it, thank goodness it is over. I am exhausted. Our theme was "Operation Overboard" and was decorated with a lot of sea life and water. Fun stuff and fun snacks to discover. The first day is always a snck mix. It is easy because it makes a lot and we have leftovers for those with certain food allergies. We are peanut free, but some have more extensive allergies that require some creative thinking. Tuesday was a decorated cookie. We made them look like aquarium bowls:

Icing is always a hit for the kids one day and a jolt for the moms the next day when they drop some green stuff into the toilet. Gotta love those food dyes. Wednesday was our, well my, favorite day. We had sushi rolls and chopsticks for our utensils:

As my friend A said, no VBS is complete without creative use of a Rice Krispie Treat. With JuJu fish and a sliced up Froot by the Foot, they we're about the cutest things ever. And pretty tasty, too. Today is the traditional ice cream day, but we couldn't do just a plain cup. So we sprinkled a little bit of green and blue sugar on top to look like water. Sunning in the water was a gummy bear in his gummy saver Innertube. I did have someone ask me if the sprinkled sugar was sand. I had to admit I had never seen greenish blue sand. Anyhoo, this was today's treat...not the greatest picture:

The kids enjoyed them for the most part. There are a few every day who don't like it, but you can't please everybody.

I am glad I had another year in the kitchen. My children and I need a break from each other and this is a way to do that. I enjoy figuring out strange and fun snacks to make. I enjoy working with friends and laughing. It was a nice week...but I am glad it is over for the year. Time for bed.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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