This morning we slept in and then decided to go have a bagel at Panera. After sitting next to a table of the most clueless, arrogant dinkwads who had no filter, we left with a wide-eyed G who is still owed a 7 year old's version of what a misogynist is. Nice. To make up for this unfortunate turn at breakfast, we traveled to our favorite Home Depot to see Bob the builder at the Kid's Workshop. I knew it was going to be an interesting time when this greeted us in the parking lot:

I love the smell of El Camino in the's like, like, um, not victory. The kids had fun building their organizers and showing off their hammer wielding skills.

We got to see toothless couples pushing each other on lumber carts yelling, "Where's the return desk? I got me a dud!". Yes, we had lots of lessons about not pointing and staring today. After getting our soil, compost and pepper plants, we headed home to have lunch and do some yard stuff. I mowed my diagonals and then put the peppers in the ground. The kids were chomping at the bit for another "fun" activity, so what could be more fun than vacuuming out Daddy's car? The cheers that went up made us realize that our children have set their standards very low for fun...which makes us feel less than great in the cool parents department.

The boy got into his work. His size really worked to our advantage. G stepped it up as well. She is a beast with that industrial vacuum!

We got the last remnants of Spring Soccer 2012 out of there...thank goodness.
After a frustrating trip to the grocery store where everything that wasn't hanging from the ceiling was touched by the kids, we were ready to head to check out. We were having trouble making a decision in the ice cream section. Luckily, Captain America in his civvies helped us out:

The kids are now in bed with visions of wood glue, industrial vacs and creepy bagel patrons dancing in their heads. We talked to S who informed us she had walked 8.4 miles today, watched an orangutan's poop fall from the sky(but did not find it picture worthy) and got bad leg cramp walking at Arlington. What more does a parent need to have in life than these things? I think nothing.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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