Monday, June 4, 2012

She's baaa-aaaaack

My safety patrol is back from her DC adventure. She is tired, sore and full of stories. What a homecoming they had! Since I did not go to drop her off, I had no idea the scope of what was going on over there at the mall(that's where everyone gathered to leave and depart). The parking lot was jammed full of anxious grown ups, waiting for their children to return. Some had huge bunches of balloons, some had posters. I felt like a crappy parent, for I had neither balloons nor posters. Then the helicopter came flying into the mall airspace, signaling that the buses were entering the vicinity. Next the sirens were heard in the distance and the caravan arrived. First several police vehicles came towards us, then the long stream of buses...31 I think. Happy faces waving from every window, screaming parents and siblings. Then they came pouring out of the buses with their AAA hats on, looking exhausted and happy. I had to hold G and the boy back, fearing we would lose them in the crowd. The love fest commenced and it was sweet to see. We picked up her picture on the Capitol steps, said our goodbyes and got the heck out of there. We've heard several stories, started her load of laundry and gotten her into bed. I can't wait to hear more. This trip was really such a wonderful experience. She said, "I missed you all, but I felt so responsible. It was a really nice feeling.". That makes it all worth it right there.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. WOW! What an amazing experience for your daughter! And for all those kids! Glad to hear they traveled safely.
    When I was a safety, umty-ump years ago, only the appointed officers did anything special, & they went for a 5 day summer camp in the sticks.
