Saturday, June 30, 2012

My daughter won't leave the dance floor

Tonight the girls and I went to our second wedding of the summer. It was a lovely and simple ceremony, beautiful music, grateful families...medically dangerous heat. I guess she can always mark her wedding day as the day Knoxville set a new heat record at 105. Mazel Tov! Lauryn looked beautiful and beaming next to her new husband. Her sister, my sweet friend Kaiti, looked gorgeous as her maid of honor. The girls were appropriately excited to see the big girls they love.

The reception was at The Foundry, which is a place I've never gotten to go before. My two, although still exhausted from camp, were thrilled to see a dance floor. G practiced her sprinkler move all during the meal, which caused me several gaspy moments for fear of the water glasses. Finally, when the floor was officially opened for all to dance, my children flew like bats out of hell from the table. I sat quietly, allowing them to further wear themselves out, until the familiar bars of the Electric Slide started. I fulfilled my obligation of showing my less than fancy footwork and began the arduous task of getting the girls to stop dancing. S's feet were hurting, so she wasn't too hard to convince. G, on the other hand, had ants in her pants and just had to dance. The big girls remarked that they saw moves from her they had never seen before. I'm not sure how to take that, so I just won't think about it. Ignorance is bliss. By the time I gave enough of an evil eye for her to leave, she was reduced to a sweaty mess. The perils of being a wedding dancer.

We have been so fortunate to have such nice "Big Girls" to be good influences on our girls: Christina earlier this month and now Lauryn. It is such a blessing to be a witness to this exciting milestone in their lives. Just next time, I'll slip some Sir Mix A Lot on the playlist and bring a bigger purse to store all of our shoes in. Baby got sore feet...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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