Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I needs me a nanny

For those of you who have been to our house, you know we have a kitchen that has been torn up for two years. We started the process, ripped layer upon layer of flooring up. We leveled the floor, put new subfloor and underlayment down and then drip...drip...drip...drip...the upstairs bathroom decided to leak into the kitchen. So we then had to halt the kitchen remodel, gut the bathroom and fix it. All the while, the kitchen stays in a state of limbo. Uneven countertops, flooring covered with brown paper until the final layer is decided upon, too many things to mention. The best find was behind the backsplashish part of the counter...a wadded up newspaper advertising the release of a blockbuster new movie called "The Empire Strikes Back". We had quite of a chuckle at that find...after we almost cried at the condition of the wall when the two separated.

The tripping over paper covering and losing pieces of paper through the uneven countertops and the unattractive view of the oven guts where we removed UGLY faux wood paneling finally got to me. I then got to the hub, for we have picked up the remodeling right where we left off. Friday we went to Dixie Kitchens and met with Kevin the kitchen guy. I know we were probably a scary prospect coming in with two of the three children. He took our drawings, listened to our sad story of kitchen woes and asked us what we wanted and liked. He came out today, after I shut the kids and dog in the family room, and measured, looked at the weird, nooky anomalies in our kitchen, complimented me on the black accents in our breakfast room and told me it would break his heart if we painted our wood paneling. The man is wonderful and a saint to deal with someone as ignorant as me. Not insulting myself. I have no eye for design. After his visit I was brimming with joy...I was almost hopeful. This man knows his stuff. Then.....we went to a home improvement store. The sweet little man we gave our drawings to had finished a plan for us. So we went into the store at 7pm, three tired kids in toe, with an iPad and hopeful hearts. The watching of "Duck Dynasty" on iTunes held the attention of one. The boy spent the next hour and a half gathering every pamphlet, brochure and Formica chip in the store. He has decided to remodel his room and was getting ideas. Apparently it will be a bedroom /kitchen. The other one opened every door and drawer in every kitchen display. She made a mental note of all the cabinets, pulls and extras to tell us what we need. According to the specs she has given us, our kitchen will only cost about $100,000 with all the extras, not including labor. She wants only the best for her family. I got about 17 phone calls, which normally I don't that many in a week. Every time I would get up and walk away, the kids would scatter. I can't blame them...it was torture.

Pray for us as we make decisions. These trips to do kitchen recon are going to send us all to padded rooms with rec time in our pj's. I just want to bake bread without tripping over something or having all the pans fall on top of my head from a makeshift storage place. All of these things without a massive therapy bill for the children. Is that too much to ask?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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