My grandmother was a creature of habit. She loved her routine, thrived because of it. Every morning she got up, went to the kitchen and turned on her hot tea pot, headed to the bathroom where she took her meds, got dressed, had half a banana(for her potassium) and then headed to her chair. It was there where she put her hearing aids in, put her nitro patch on and got settled. At that point, either my aunt or mom or uncle or myself would bring her some nicely sweetened hot Lipton tea, a freshly toasted and buttered piece of Old Mill Sweet French bread and a cup of Orange Peach Mango juice. It used to be that we had trouble finding that particular type of juice. That type of bread was only baked on certain days, so my aunt ordered it ahead of time. Looking in her extra freezer in the garage, it looked like a breakfast stockpile. Rows of bread on the shelves and the door stocked neatly with frozen juice. The big treat for the grandchildren was to come at breakfast time and share some toast, tea and juice with Granny. She enjoyed her breakfast routine, but enjoyed sharing time with the little ones even more.
I hadn't seen that juice in a while. We don't drink a lot of juice at our house, so it is kind of off my radar. But I spotted it and my heart just burned. My grandmother was the first to be called with any kind of news. She delivered it to the rest of the family, proud in the knowledge that she knew the info first. When we went shopping, we went to her house first to have "Show and Tell" and let her see the fruits of our labors. In the lonely Summer months, I would take the kids over to play in the sprinkler while she watched out the window. She passed away 3 years ago this coming July and it still feels like yesterday.
As much as I miss her, I am so grateful for the gift she was to me. My life is richer having been raised with her influence. What a Granny.....
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What precious memories.