My friends? My friends, we have dipped our toes back into the puppy pond. Today we left our warm and comfy home and set off in search of a new furry friend to join our clan. The children received a pep talk and set of rules that we were going to follow when looking. (1) Don't touch unless the official people say it is okay. (2) Don't run around and get all jerky and make them nervous. (3) We will not look and buy in the same visit...we need to think about the pup and have some distance. We hit three different shelters, test drove a few little ones and some big ones. At the end of the day, we decided on the very first little friend we met. A 3-4 month old chocolate lab stray they had named "Starla". Not my favorite name, but she was our favorite dog by a nose and a tail. Most of our pictures did not turn out since she was so excited, but we got a few:

She also liked the hub a lot:

The kids are beyond excited and, to be quite honest, so are we. The house has been awfully quiet since June 23. There is something very special about the life force of a dog. They bring the balance and unconditional love that we have needed for a while, but needed to make sure we were ready and out of the mourning period all at the same time.
Pray for us as we transition back into the world of pet ownership. We are feverishly puppy proofing the house. And, no, we will not be letting her sleep with the boy...whatever he tells you.
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How sweet! I am so happy for all of you. How long do you think it will be before you find him in the bed with the boy? :)