Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Twas the night of Christmas Eve...

It has been a whirlwind day for sure. While the kids have felt the day drag by as though it would never end, their father and I felt as though we had somehow fugued out and lost a couple six hours. I started off at the grocery at 8:30 and never really stopped. The hub and the boy graciously removed themselves to the garage and fried up bacon for Christmas breakfast. Why the garage, you say? Well, because with the mixture of odors from Christmas potpourri, traditional Italian meatloaf, chocolate and peanut butter fudge, pecan pie and dishwasher detergent, bacon might push the smell threshold over the edge and move on to push the tummy threshold. They froze out there, but were they troopers:

Deliveries were made and treat bearers were happily welcomed. The boy went from happy to excited to whatever is excited multiplied by 72. I was truly a little bit concerned as to how he was going to make it through church service without wiggling out of his seat and cracking his head open.

Church was a memorable experience as always. I love to see all the little ones dress up as different participants in the Christmas story. The boy was a shepherd and his biggest sister was as well. She was strategiacally placed as an older shepherd to herd the kids away from the expensive and very breakable nativity set in the chancel area. G chose to not dress up, but wrote and read the Christmas prayer for the evening. As I watched the children, sang the hymns and then held my candle high while singing "Silent Night", I felt the usual tears coming to my eyes. I feel so fortunate in so many ways. A baby was born for all of us and I am so humbled by the weight of that news. As my favorite Christmas song says, "A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices...for yonder wakes a new and glorious morn." Oh night divine, indeed. Have a wonderful Christmas tomorrow, everyone!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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