Sunday, December 15, 2013

Counting down the days

As we sit here and watch the finale of Survivor, which I haven't really watched consistently since Knoxville's own Tina Wesson won, I am counting down the days until I can have my babies home and just chill for a little bit. I cannot wait. My girls are more excited about the fact that they are about to reveal the final four. Good grief.

I made one of many daily tactical errors and went to return some pajamas at Target at about 4:15 this afternoon. Really, was that dumb or what? I parked in the spot that was third from the end of the row, you know, one of the spots where they should provide a drink station between it and the store because it is so far away. There also weren't any carts available, but that was okay. I got my business taken care of and made a few purchases. I got my A&W root beer as a reward for getting out of there without cracking or throwing my basket of goods across the store(not that I would ever do that). I picked up S from the youth group Christmas party. In the Dirty Santa game, she got a gift bag with two boxes of Easy Mac, a CHristmas tin and a penny in a box. Well, there was dinner. Easy enough. Unfortunately, those blasted noodles proved to be impossible to get off the bottom of the pot, so I tried a trick I heard. Let's just say, don't take your eyes off of something on the stove:

It's never dull around here. I know all you people must think we are the most boring people on the planet. And you'd be right.

Going to go put laundry away and keep my oldest from making up excuses to sneak and watch Survivor. This should be an interesting evening.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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