Day two of children's musical programs has come and gone and was quite enjoyable I must say. I love the fact that she is a percussionist and that she enjoys it as much as she does. When I was quite young(actually pre-Jenny years), I think I've told this before, but Walt Disney had a little record called "A Child's Introduction to Melody". My brother and I wore that thing OUT. One of the songs talked about Old McDonald having a saxophone. I hear that thing played by some professional jazz musician and my life was changed forever. I wanted to play that instrument and anything remotely like it. It may sound silly, but it makes me misty to think about that. I played it over and over again. Music has been a major part of my life, one that has given me great joy. My piano teachers, band directors, choir directors, saxophone teacher, etc, have taugh me a lot of things and I am grateful for their part in shaping the way I love music today. My children have been blessed with wonderful influences in their lives. I will never forget the look on S's when she sat through our church's Christmas concert a few years ago and watched our friend, Susannah, play the different percussion pieces for the concert. The look of awe on her face, the delight in seeing one of the "big girls"(there is a 6yr age difference) playing a powerful instrument that made lots of noise and provided a steady beat for the rest of the musicians to follow...I saw myself listening to that record so many years ago. People laugh and say, "Oh HAHAHA!! You have to listen to that noise all day!". First, I grew up with a percussionist brother. I have learned to block things out. Second, I know it will get loud and annoying at time, but third, the look of joy and excitement on her face during the performance? Heavenly. I am grateful for my little drummer girl's "big girl" drummer girl influence and instruction. I can only hope that she can be that person for someone else down the line.

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