This morning started on a funny note with a little boy waking us up saying it was "Seven Nine...Time to wake up". We did need to wake up to get the girls to church for choir program practice, but really? We all rushed around, knocked the sleepy cobwebs out of our heads, shoved Honey Nut Cheerios down our gullets and the skedaddled(the girls and I)to church for practice for the big show tomorrow. As often happens when the kids get together in little groups away from the parents, they start hatching plans. After they sang their little tiny piece, they came at us like a pack of wolves. The Fountain City Christmas parade was to start shortly and they wanted to go. Out church was having a float, but there was no way that the kids could get through the traffic to the float in time. So we sat in front of the bank and waited to see friends, acquaintances and many local celebrities who were to be appearing in various classic cars and on floats of all shapes and sizes. Sad news though...the traditional float of Santa wrestling someone in a cage match(last year it was Elvis I believe) was not marching along with the rest this year. Elvis, however, did make an appearance this year singing on a float with the local high school swim team. I do believe he appeared to be the '70's Elvis as best I could tell. It was cold enough, he wasn't wiping off copious amounts of perspiration, but I still think it was him. We saw one of my personal favorites today, the Shriners. They always arrive in style and always makeme start singing Ray Steven's "Shriners' Convention". While he's most known in the south, he has been famous for a long time. This guy here I feel is probably the head of the shrine:

The other shriners were in little minature go cart sports cars.

Loud and entertaining for all. Seeing as how I had not prepared my self or my children to stand out in the cold for the duration of the parade, I walked back to the car in a stiff legged robotic way. The girls had snuggled under a blanket with their friends, so they were fine.
Later I took G to do her shopping for her daddy and siblings with 5,000 of our closest friends at Target and Bed, Bath and Beyond. Bless her heart, she was so very concerned and considerate about each person's gift. She weighed every option available before making her final decision. I'm an adult, I realize, but even I can only stomach so long in the billfold and purse section before I want to beg a Target team member to let me slip comfortably into the fetal position behind the jewelry counter. Probably a frowned upon practice, but I can't imagine that I would be the first to make that request. Maybe I am. No judgement zone here, friends.
The kids are going to bed early tonight. Tomorrow starts an insane week off with a bang and they need all the sleep they can get...and the hub and I need time to unwind. Maybe have a beverage...with ice cream in it. I know what you were thinking. Have a nice evening. I'll be in a ice warm fetal position soon.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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