Saturday, April 20, 2013

Wellllll, %$^&*#!!!!!

The hub and S got up very early this morning. We walked her around a lot and took her temp several times. We wanted to make sure that the reading on the thermometer was not a fluke. We wanted her to be fever free for 24 hours. She had been. She was so thrilled to get to go on her confirmation retreat. She got there before 7am. Thrilled. Sent me a midday text. Thrilled. Then we got a 6:20 call from her best friend's mom. The fever was back and she was shivering like crazy which would only help the fever go up higher. So here the boy, the hub and I are on our way back up into the mountains of North Carolina to get her. I know she is so disappointed. I am worried for her. I am worried for her friends. I am worried that the other parents will kill me. Mostly, I am so scared for her. She has fought this for a long time. I am angry that our doctor's office, who I love, is not at all concerned by this. I want my child to be healthy. I want people to stop calling her a hyponchondriac or me a Munchausen's mom. And, no, I am not calling anyone out on here.  The people who say these things on a constant basis wouldn't lower themselves to read this blog.  She has not been this sick since she was 6. Leave me alone, people. Just pray for my daughter. She has standardized testing next week. They put the importance of this testing on the same level as that of childhood immunizations and filing your income taxes. She had to make up some last year after the high school boys give her a concussion incident. Not fun at all.

It is going to be a late night for us. Pray for my child. I'm worried about her....
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. So sorry to hear. You and family are in our prayers. Let us know if we can help in any way.
