So, here's the parents went away on a wee..wait a minute. Got caught up in the 80's there for a minute. My three readers know of the constant battle I have going with my daughters about keeping their room clean. Because of life and work and school and church and general ineptness on my part, I had allowed certain parts of their room to really go to pot. Drawers and nooks and crannies had turned into postponement areas. What is that, you say? Here you go. Me: Hey unnamed child, you need to put those socks away. I'm getting ready to do laundry. Silly me. I assumed that is what was going to happen. Instead, I look in their cabinet a week later and find the dirty socks stuffed in a folder under the seventh Harry Potter book. Really? I mean, really? So when I walked into their closet with arms full of laundry to hang up and stepped on a staple with one foot and a bobby pin with the other, my head popped off and things got serious. The closet came first. Then their drawers came next. This is when they became concerned. "Why don't you just let us do that?". My response, "Oh no! I want to make things easy for you. Go relax. I'll make sure you have very little to worry about. I'm looking out for you." Lots of gulping and side eyes coming from that duo. Today I went to straighten up a bit more and saw a few things in the crannies around their bunked beds. Twenty minutes later after tossing things from both beds, I came down from the top bunk to find this:

Those children are masterful stuffers, but I honestly don't know how they had any room to sleep. One had 20 mini bottles of nail polish and 7 Dixie cups stuff on her bookshelf. The other one had almost the complete, and missing, collection of their hair accessories. That poor baby is hiding her head in shame. I'm getting close. Just a few more bins to empty and then laying down new rules.
Between cleaning jags, I caught up on my recording of the premiere of "Hannibal" on NBC last night. Go ahead and say what you want, but Thomas Harris has always been one of my favorite authors. I read his books over and over in college and, as good as the movie was, The Silence of the Lambs is a great book. Let me just say, in the spirit of the recently departed Roger Ebert, I give the new "Hannibal" two thumbs up...way up. It was creepy and terrifying and riveting and a great break from organizing. I may just watch it again as I am going to sleep..because that doesn't sound like a bad idea at all.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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