Saturday, April 27, 2013

I must be, really

So with extra grown ups hanging around the house for a while, I took the opportunity to go sit in the mist, and then rain, and watch soccer. I needed to give G and the boy some of my time and what better way to do it than in the rain? The crowning jewel of "Did I just see that happen" events happened during G's game. I get competitive, I won't lie. But I will cut my tongue out and get duct taped to my soccer chair before I do something that embarrasses my child, my husband who is coaching or the other kids and families on the team...or on the field for that matter. What on earth would that say about me and what would that show my children? So back to the story, we were sitting and watching the game, playing pretty well. I'm proud to say that G scored a beautiful goal. She just kind of chipped the ball right over the keeper's head and right in there. I loved it. We had played hard and, despite the horrible officiating, had held them to nil. Then a ball came at G's face who instinctively put up her hands to protect her face. Handball. We all knew it. So the ref, who needs to reread his manual, started setting the girls up incorrectly for the awarded kick. The hub is not going to correct the ref, right or wrong, unless it is a grievous error or one that is a safety issue. The next thing we know, a purple streak of a mom went running down to the goal end of the field. She was a parent for the opposing team. The next thing we know, this purple person walks ten to 15 feet onto the field and starts rearranging OUR team into their right place. Yes, our ref was not correct, but he was the ref. She had no rights to be on the field and was delaying the game. The hub had enough..."You are NOT the ref!!!! Get off the field!!!". She had rearranged our players as she wanted them and then got off the field. The shot was taken and they scored. She ran down the field screaming at the top of her lungs, "NOW THAT"S HOW YOU REF FROM THE SIDELINES!!!!". The girls, parents and bystanders stood, mouths wide open, in shock. The AR on the coach side, who happened to be her husband, went to scold her at halftime, embarrassed by her actions. I won't mention what she did, but kids don't need to see that either. So beyond shameful. Absolutely inappropriate on multiple levels. So sad for a day like that. We got a tie, but if I were the other team, I wouldn't be proud of that tie.

The boy's game was not as parentally lively, but just as exciting. They played in steady rain, slipping and falling a lot. Good entertainment, always. We got a win there plus about a gallon of extra mud to go with it.

S has found an appetite today for sure. She needs to learn how to eat without inhaling. She's learned that even lowfat vanilla ice cream does not make Vanilla Pediasure taste good enough for her. She had some naps and burnt some fevers. Chugging along in the recovery train. I did end up carrying her down the steps. Just "too much work" she told us. I'll let her have that excuse for a little while longer, but then she's gotta get to strength training!

Thanks, again, to all of you who have prayed and helped and called and texted and everything else during this process. I can never thank you enough. Ever.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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