Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Bundt in the oven

I love to bake and, most of the time, I am fairly successful at it. I have had the blessing of having some excellent teachers in my time: my mother, my aunt and my grandmother. So today I went about the task of baking a cake as my part of a meal some cohorts and I are taking tomorrow. I had made this cake last week. I have been making this cake probably since the age of 11. Apparently in the last year, my skills(and possibly my oven)have gone downhill...quickly. A tube pan has been my implement of choice for this cake and it has always worked out. Well I guess the pan has gone on vacation and forgot to send a postcard while there, so I had to resort to using a bundt pan. I hate bundt pans. Hate may not quite be strong enough of a term for what I feel. No matter how I grease and flour and tend to it, the *&^% cake will not come out nicely. Last week's cake came out in a decent manner, not good, not great. Decent. I used my Pampered Chef stoneware bundt pan. It is a bit smaller than my tube pan, so I had to put the excess batter in a seperate pan. Today I tried a bigger, old school bundt thinking all the batter could fit in the same place. Why do I mess with things that work decently well the first time? Doofus. I ran my knife along the edge when it had cooled sufficiently and readied it to be turned out. And it turned out...well...3/5 of it turned out. Nice. I greased and floured the tar out of that bad boy. Even the neighbor kid shooting off fireworks whilst laying out of school heard me cussing and grumping the cake pan over the durned bottle rockets he was setting off at 9am, but that's another story for another time. It looks ugly, but I think it will taste fine. I will be going to purchase a new tube pan soon. After the fit I threw, a few dollars for a tube pan is a small price to pay to save me from eternal damnation. Pray for me and Williams-Sonoma. They will be fitting me for a new pan soon. "Kum by yah, my Lord...".

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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