Friday, April 19, 2013

Birthday dog on a nailbiter day

April 19 is a happy day in our family. It is the day our sweet and crazy dog, Cosby, came into the world. The first time we met her, she was in a blue plastic baby pool with her mother and nine brothers and sisters. Her proud parents, Onyx and Raleigh, anxiously watched as we picked her up and smelled her skunky, delicious puppy breath. If you held her just right, she would try to latch on to the tip of your nose and nurse. What a funny puppy! Eight weeks later she came to live with us and the rest is history. Today she is 15. That is pretty impressive for a lab. I guess the rule of thumb is the bigger the breed the shorter the life. Not to be morbid, but tis true. Every day that we go downstairs to find her on her bed still breathing, tail still wagging, it is a blessing and a gift. She has been a sweet and crazy first dog for the hub and a loving and protective second mother to our children.

So it seemed kind of strange and otherworldly and horrifying to be singing "Happy Birthday" to the dog and hear the networks' blow by blow of the Boston bombing suspects and chase in the background. I took the youngers to school and kept S home again with a fever. Morbidly, I could not tear myself away from the coverage. Thank goodness for multiple televisions. She watched Nicolas Cage find the National Treasure and I was listening to the Boston scanner as they were attempting to close the case on the attack of one of our nation's beloved treasures. To call it tense would be the understatement of the day, but it is indeed accurate. All we can do is to pray for Boston, law enforcement, the grieving families and the suspect. Different prayers for each, but fervent just the same.

What a strange mix of emotions. But the strongest emotion I feel is gratitude. Grateful for the protectors in our lives...our sweet dog with the children and the fierce law enforcement with the people of Suffolk County, MA. God be with all of them. I am grateful for their sacrifices.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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