The boy's class went on the very first field trip of their public school career today. It was a big deal that propelled him right out bed this morning. We were unsure as how all of this would go down, but knew there would be a one parent to two children ratio at the most. Seeing as how the hub's back is shot out completely, these numbers seemed reasonable...the two of us together counted as one parent so 1:1 was excellent. It was a gorgeous, though blazing hot, day spent in the midst of 5,000 other school children who were throwing corn and sand and running through mazes and frolicking with their newfound freedom. My two guys enjoyed themselves on the hay ride:

The boy worked hard to find all the clues in the corn maze:

And then he rested after all of his pumpkin patch antics:

I think he had lost his mind at that point...he looks a little crazed.
All in all, it was a nice time and no one got hurt. The trip combined with a Friday night make up game made for the fastest "conk out" speed ever. Head hitting pillow at the same time the zzzzzzzz's started coming out. Nice.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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