The alarm went off at 6am, but I snoozed it until 6:42. The hub was politely saying, "You may want to get up soon." I didn't want to, but realized that I needed to run by the store before work and pick up AAA batteries for the church pagers. I popped out of bed as if electrified from this realization and went thought my usual routine. After working at church, which included some little ones being peeled off their parents and the boy's buddy who tripped and got a black eye. Killed me to have that happen, but he was a brave one. Upon returning home, I do not know what happened. Alien abduction? Demon possession? A booger or a haint? Flummoxed for sure, but I decided I had to start organizing. I straightened up three major closets, pitched some junk and fund some items for consignment. Then I decided to tackle the garage while the kids were out running around. The hub came out and helped, hanging up hardware for the bikes and putting stuff up in the garage attic. Technical word, "stuff", but it fits. You want to talk about love, my hub in his state of agony helped get the garage ship shape and ready to receive my car...which hasn't happened in a looonnnggg time. I forgot to take a picture of the glorious sight, but believe me. In the course of cleaning, we deposited several items that needed to go into the basement into our breakfast room. Backpacks, a bin of tshirts, paper towels...nothing special. I sent G inside to put some books in the bookshelf and she came out with this:

Yes. The dog, out of spite for not being outside to run away since both garage doors were open, decided to snack on a roll of paper towels. Why not? She wears me out, that one.
Once the triumph of the garaged car started to wear off, we decided to celebrate with meatloaf sandwiches on the beautiful loaf of bread my brother made and gave to us. He is becoming quite the baker. I love the very artisan look and, yes indeedy-o, it makes one terrific sammich:

Currently, I have my feet up and am lazily writing and listening to the Steelers Bengals game. T minus 30 minutes to bedtime. I am almost out of oomph....
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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