Alcoa vs S's middle school soccer team at 6pm tonight. The girls were still recovering from last night's victory and didn't quite have the pepper today that they did last night. They had some really big girls on their team. Some of the schools only have one team, where ours has two, so they have 8th graders where our B team does not. Nature cannot be denied. Eighth graders are typically bigger than sixth graders. The ref seemed promising at first, but things went downhill. The game got rougher and rougher, even when Alcoa was winning about 10-1. Our girls were getting knocked around and down with few whistles being blown. Then our spritely little S was running to win the ball and a girl, roughly the size of the the hub, basically just took her out and landed her on her shoulder. Flattened her. The hub jumped up and screamed at the ref. I thought I was going to have to jump on his back to keep him off the field. What a sight that would have been. The poor Alcoa girl immediately dropped to see how she was, which was very kind. Eventually the hub went over to see how she was. I was concerned about another concussion. Our friend was watching through his camera and said she was grabbing her arm and shoulder. PT consult over the phone and picture texts with our friend, Bill, led us to believe it is not a separated or dislocated shoulder. The thought is deep bruise or fracture. She is icing it in bed right now.
I know that it wasn't my shoulder. Just like it isn't my back problem or my learning issue. But I feel the weight of these things on my shoulders. I am tired of putting on a happy, positive face all the time. I'm tired. Injury and pain and sadness and distress just keep piling up.
Here's hoping and praying it is a deep bruise. Please let it be a bruise.
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I am so sorry to hear that she was hurt again!!! We all missed her in dance class tonight. I hope she feels better quickly.