We have had a busy weekend, friends. I am fighting, unsuccessfully, sinus infection-esque symptoms. The boy is sick, the hub is in excruciating pain, G is getting a yucky cough and S is in middle school. Yes, the latter fit s in with all the other ailments. I got to work/church at 7:26 today and got home at 1:10. I really needed to do lots of work on the boy's "All About Me" poster, but I changed my clothes and asked the hub 's blessing for a 20 minute nap. He was okay with that, so I snuggled up with a blanket, a boy and G. There was my first mistake. I remember waking up briefly and telling some random back surgery knowledge to the hub, who may or may not have been in the room, snortled and became comatose once again. When I did finally wake up to the sounds of the boy composing a new piece on the piano, it was...CRINGE...an hour and 20 minutes later. Bad nap...bad! I staggered around, not knowing where I was, but gladly found the bathroom. I lost 80 minutes. I don't know what went on. For all I know, this:

Our couch is not that small and our curtains don't look like inflated cotton candy, but I'm pretty sure the robot happened. The next few hours were groggy and foggy, filled with the bitterness of regret....knowing that come 3:47am tomorrow, I will be using the flashlight app on my phone, down on the floor counting carpet fibers instead of sheep in the hopes of finding the sleep that I robbed myself of at nap time. Evil naps. You are an evil temptor who knows my weakness. I shall now get in bed after taking liquid Tylenol cold and watch the world's greatest toothpick battles of Mongolia on History Channel. Maybe that will help. I doubt it...
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When one really needs a good long nap a short nap is worse than staying awake.