I had the opportunity to sub at preschool today for a class of four year olds. They are so funny. I miss that age, even if the boy was just there last year. Kindergarten aged him, people. He's an old man now. Anyhoo, I spent time with my little friends this morning and soaked up every little gem of comedy that came out of their mouths. Every thing from one little girl's baby sister who had an all "punkin'" birthday party("She had punkin' bread for her cake. Isn't that cra-a-a-zy?") to the child who is going to be a peacock for Halloween("They are beautiful fowls"). "Beautiful fowls"? What kid says that? The best part of the subbing was circle time. Somehow "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" spiraled into a discussion on pet deaths. One boy told the story about waking up this morning to find two of his hermit crabs dead. The rest of the class was appropriately sympathetic, expressing their condolences for his loss. He explained that it was okay because he "still had a dog left." Again, appropriate agreement with the comfort of his remaining pet. I noticed one boy was not having the same reaction or interaction with this whole story. Finally, the proverbial lightbulb appeared over his head and a devious look appeared on his face. "I know what happened! Your dog killed the crabs to get the attention!". This then set off a firestorm of discussion on crab murders. The boy vehemently denied the murder. "The crabs died on their own. This is enough." Then they went and hammered golf tees into a pumpkin. The circle of life. Who needs TV when you have preschool?

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