I have been in a bad state today. I can't carry on a decent conversation and I can't hear anything correctly. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that I am very tired and have not stopped this first full week of school. Nothing to do with the fact that I worked one of the insane shifts at the consignment sale tearing tags in the express line while little "Jimmy" and his sister "Mary Jane" screamed and beat my foot with their $2.50 Baby Alive and $2 bucket 'o Hot Wheels while their mom talked on her cell phone and scheduled her manicure...and I had my Chacos on today. The decluttering of the house and extra mad money make it worth it, but good grief. It could be that my poor 8 year old daughter has the worst seasonal allergies that turn into sinus infections, so we went to the Take Care clinic at Walgreens today. After getting there at 5:20, we were the last appointment taken but still had to wait until 6:45 to be seen by our least favorite nurse practitioner ever. During which time we walked around while two of my three(the third was at soccer) proceeded to touch everything in the store, activate every singing wall fish device or musical dog bed or video ad for the perfect pancake pop maker from K-Tel or Ronco or whoever else it might be. I was wandering around in a state of maternal delirium, when I heard a voice on the loudspeaker say, "Help needed in the 'Shaved Meat' department.". What the what? The hub walked in to the store, we exchanged a few pleasantries and he turned to leave with the boy. "Assistance in 'Shaved Meat'". Confused as to why on earth they would have a "shaved meat" department at the drugstore, I turned to my hub with must have been a bewildered and pathetic look and said, "Where is the shaved meat department?". Kind, dear, sweet man that he is sweetly looked at me and said, "I think they said 'shave needs' department.". Well that would make more sense. He left with the boy, kindly trying to hide his laughter in my general direction, and disappeared into the parking lot. G and I were then called into the waiting room to visit the NP with little beside manner. She quickly diagnosed the problem and then proceeded to spend the next 25 deciding what kind of antibiotic to give her, which I preferred and if I thought the mL amount was took much for her to take. These kinds of statements do nothing but make me doubt her abilities a little bit. No confidence booster there. We did finally escape, went home where I struggled to make "Amit" from live chat customer service through Kindle understand that, despite his telling me to do it at least three times, turning it on and off was not solving the problem. I didn't want to go to bed being angry at Amit, but when he disconnected our chat, I knew our time had sadly ended. We'll get it working soon.
After all that drama, I need to get to bed. I have to walk that boy down to his classroom tomorrow. Luckily I am busy and the time will fly by...I hope. Maybe after school we'll go and see if there's a deal on shaved meat at the drug store. We're about out of ham....
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Soooo, how was the shaved meat? :)