I have an issue in this house. My child has always been a no fear kinda guy. We've never found anything that scares him or creeps him out. Now the time has come. A fire alarm at his new school. Never did I think something would cause such terror for the little guy, but it does. Today was the first time, in a very long time, that I had to peel a child off my leg to get them in their classroom. His teacher's look of horror and worry was appropriate. I appreciated her concern, but that didn't make me feel much better. I called my mom, the hub, spoke to my boss, took a nap. Finally at 12:30, I broke down and called the school secretary just to make sure he wasn't hog tied and sedated in the clinic. After checking, she called to inform me he was intensely raising his hand to answer questions in class. He came to the car smiling and full of stories from the day. When I asked him if tomorrow would be better, he said, "Today was great, but I'm not sure I'm gonna go back there.". Uh, yeah you are. A trip to the fire station is in the works, so hopefully that might help a little. I found out that his teacher called the school office and checked to see if there would be a fire drill today. She kept my boy in the loop and off the edge of the cliff...and I am truly grateful. Let's hope tomorrow will be better. Or I'll be getting some Xanax.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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