While we have been in the waiting room, discussion has been circling around Support Chick Fil A Day and the eight people who were idiotic enough to throw their badminton matches. I mean, really? I know these people have trained for years to get to this event, but throwing a sport that is usually played at cookouts between chilled beverages? Come on. We arrived right before the mad rush of the following people: a cheerleader with a hyper extended elbow, a man who needs fluid drained off his shoulder, a girl who sat with her feet in her mom's lap for unknown reasons(she walked fine) and a two year old favoring one foot after tumbling down the stairs earlier in the day. Poor little thing was freaked out and made us all want to cry. If there had been a gift shop, well, she would have gotten gifts from all of us. The shoulder guy spoke of supporting chicken sandwich people and shot the hub and I dirty looks during our Olympic badminton discussion. Sensitive subject with the locals...who knew?
We are currently now waiting for "Steve" to come in and check her over. Thank goodness for technology:

She's watching "Bolt" and he's doing spy work or whatever it is he does. Heaven forbid we converse...but then, I'm blogging so I have no room to talk.
Well, the PA just came in and looked her over and her X-rays. Deep bruising but not fracture or break. She is a little disappointed and I can't blame her. It hurts enough she had prepared herself for a cast, already discussing with her uncle about letting him sign it. The attention she might have gotten in this case was a very seductive thought. When you are one of three, sometimes a little extra attention is always nice. A nice little splint will help stabilize it until it feels better. It certainly got her attention from her concerned siblings. The burden of being the oldest. Love that girl...she's a keeper.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
How did S hurt her hand/arm? And I think I know the 2 year old. I believe she is the little sister of one of my dancers. It's really a small world.