Monday, March 12, 2012

Weepy afternoon...

My oldest came home from school talking about the Holocaust and concentration camps and everything that goes along with that horrible time in history. How do you begin to talk about that with a child? The hub a chunk of his family who are Jewish, so that was a good place to start. "Can you imagine anything happening to your cousins? Do they deserve less if they are different?". After explaining to her what the Nazi's did, I decided it was time to talk about some paper clips. If you've never seen the documentary "Paper Clips", you must. It speaks of tolerance and forgiveness and pain and sadness and finally peace. Thank goodness for Netflix Instant Streaming. I put it in the queue and off we went. We don't allow TV during the week unless it is for educational purposes, so we all piled on the couch and got to it. Needless to say, I boo hooed from almost the first note of background music. Darn time change....cough cough. I think it struck a chord with her. Seeing the millions of paper lips and realizing each one represented a Holocaust victim was heavy for her. Not much was said afterwards. Anything would just seem trivial.

After dinner, I had meetings to attend. Anyone who knows me knows two things: I cannot sit still AND I am fairly socially phobic. Even though I knew everyone in both meetings, it still feels weird and uncomfortable for me. So when the subject of bullying was discussed and I asked a question, I realized I had made a bad choice. I figured once I started the question, I might as well go all in. So I did. Then the sadness of everything kicked in and so did the tears. Then the twitching of the mouth so as to not openly sob. I looked like an ugly crying hot mess. Thank goodness these women were sweet sisters and very understanding.

When I walked in the house, I found a husband who had confiscated two iPods as his payment for listening to fighting. Drama all around. Thank God he had it all resolved before I got home. I had no more tears left and even less energy. I was completely humiliated about crying in front of everybody. I just wondered what what was next. As I grabbed the pad of paper off the top of the fridge to write a list, I found this written on it:

Out of the mouths of babes. Randomness is sometimes the most beautiful thing at the most needed time. I'm going to bed....
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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