I have a new addiction. Curse you computer people and all of your clever apps. You're killing me with the Scrabble and Words With Friends and Scramble and Fruit Ninja Angry Birds. But this newest one gets me where it really hurts. It gets me in my "WannaBe Artist" gut, this...this Draw Something, cursed evil game. I love it and I can't stop playing it and adding new games and trying to improve my renderings for the next round. Some of the clues are easy, like "Pig", and some, like "Skrillex", are impossible to draw. Come on, Skrillex? My favorite was from my friend's son, G's buddy, who was not feeling great about his take on a pretzel, though I thought it was masterfully drawn, so he did this instead:

That was my rendering of his clue...I loved it! Some people assume that others are knowledgeable in special areas like certain sports. This one took me a good 15 minutes to figure out:

Real sorry, I did not know that #36 was Shaq. What was I thinking? I enjoy him, but I've not been much of an NBA fan since Larry left the Celtics. I think those people dropped the game soon after that. Oh well.
So if you haven't heard from me in a while, just know that I am probably madly sketching out some strange clue. But I will have to look up "Skrillex" before I attempt it.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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