Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Failure is an excellent teacher

I am not perfect. Never have been and never will be. I can hope that my children will be closer to it than I ever have been. My parents always taught me the importance of failure, though sometimes I really wish they could've picked another more palatable battle. I learned a lot from those lessons, but have realized that more now than when the actual event took place. My children all have friends who have not been allowed to fail. Not been able to taste the bitterness in their mouth, the burn in their chest and the aching in their head...and I worry about them. Be clear, I do not want anyone to fail or be upset or ruin their lives. These kids are going to be lost, I feel, without the coping mechanism that comes from failure. It is a gift so intricate and important. When one finally meets their match, whew. Rough times. Failure and disappointment are a part of life. Hopefully not a main part, but an important part, nonetheless.

I have found that not only in my own experience, but the experience of my children as well, that their true friends stick by them in these heavy, emotional times. I am so grateful that they have sweet friends and their parents who comfort them as well. These people are key in the welfare of my babies, whether they realize or not.

I thank God in my success and in my failures, for they both bring a wealth of richness to my life. Thank you, dear friends, for being there for me and for my children. We feel the love...

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