Monday, March 26, 2012

Kids do say the darnedest things

I had to sub today and, as always, hear strange things come out of their little mouths. We never give them the credit they deserve. Anyway, towards the end of the morning, I was the interim teacher until the afternoon teacher was ready to take over. The kids have the option of sitting and looking at books quietly or having one read to them. I decided to read of in a series of books that I love:

One of the pages talks about whether or not it is in good taste to stick beans up one's nose. Well the talk of sticking any object in some orifice opened a wellspring of colorful discussion, ending with one child talking about sticking a marble in the wrong place...but it eventually came out.

After leaving school, the boy and I went home to lunch and then down for a nap....theboy had the nap. He has been sleeping so hard lately that whenhe wakes up, he looks like this for at least an hour:

At least he still naps. If the girls would ever be still, I'd give you a pic of them. But, alas, that is not to be at this time.

Good night all...and don't think about sticking beans up your nose.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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