So here's a new one. A little background first. We go to church on Wednesdays for dinner and activities. The kids go to choir and tween activities, I go to handbell practice and the hub kind of floats like a gypsy husband. The past few weeks he has gone to a parental discussion group. One of the other parents asked for input on a difficult situation with a person living next to them. They have a neighbor who likes to putter around in the garage and yard naked. Yes, his birthday suit...the buff...the nude..."nekkid". He works in his garage, mows his lawn and gets the paper just out there for the whole neighborhood to see. The police, after being contacted, have said as long as he is not doing something to himself, I don't have to expound on that, or doing "something" to someone else. Um...hmmm. I must say that I do not agree with the policy on this one. If you want to lead a nudist lifestyle, have at it. Don't do it when my kids get off the bus. This ends my public service rant for the day. Thanks.
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Around here the cops would haul his nekkie butt to jail if he could be seen below the waist from off his property. Had a case in the news not too long ago, guy arrested after a woman said she & her toddler saw him naked while walking on the sidewalk. He got off in court by insisting he was only naked in his kitchen (some kind of nekkid cooking thing) & she could only see him below the waist if she was in his back yard or on a ladder to look in the kitchen window. Don't know what the truth was, though I can say he was good looking with clothes on when he was on the news. Not any activity for me, I usually avoid looking at myself without clothes. Blinding white & flabby skin, not my idea of eye candy.