Not sure why that line is there...the paint program is a kind of janked up thanks to little fingers that explore without the owner's permission. G is a hardcore competitor, not to be undone by an annoying ref who shares a bunk bed with her. The Ref has something to prove, some confidence to gain and a little sister to officially mother in an athletic competition. If you ever get a chance to come see G play, it is a very entertaining time. I highly recommend it.
What I love is that they are forced to be in harmony. G must be harmonious or she'll be removed from doing something she loves almost more than couch potato time. S must or she'll be stripped of her responsibility. I am just so proud of the confidence they are gaining. I have friends who didn't grow up with soccer and are not fans of the hype. Totally understand. I grew up with it, so it is like second nature, but I understand how the hardcore crud is off putting. I love the fact that my 7 year old has more talent for the game in her baby toenail than I did in my entire body at her age...or any age. I love that I can watch my tiny little ten year old be in charge of running a game, led by adults, and feel no more stress than if she was brushing her teeth. I participated in sports, but never had hardcore parents who pushed me too far. I try not to be crazy about it with my children either...just grateful for the exercise and team building skills they are developing. As strange as it may seem, it is a holy thing for me to watch my children in this venue. Some see the holy beauty in flowers, landscape, music, etc. I sure do. I find a holy beauty in watching these children use the gifts they were blessed with. What a gift to have athleticism like that! Are they going pro tomorrow? No. Pro ever? Probably not, but they are using the gifts God gave them to strengthen their bodies and minds and entertain others. They conduct themselves in a way as to witness to others their character. Pretty heavy stuff for a soccer Saturday...
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